Our workshops have become increasingly popular and are attended by teachers, professors and business people of all kinds. We now license our workshop material out, on a yearly basis, to teachers and schools. The most time consuming part of any teachers job is the research and preparatory work. Digital marketing platforms are notorious for change, making this job even more difficult for teachers. We remove the pain by doing all of the research and preparation for you. This means our teaching resources and notes are always up to date, so that you can be confident the course material that you are delivering is relevant and on trend, as it’s all written in real time.
We provide packages for schools of all types including Adult Education and 3rd level syllabus. This contains notes for the teacher, lesson plans, notes for the student and any necessary working files. Under our yearly licensing fees all notes are automatically upgraded to any new platform features and changes, leaving you time to teach. Due to our wide network and client base we are in a unique position to keep on track of industry trends and this assists us in identifying key strategies that are incorporated into the lessons. For example, when we identify a new platform that may be of benefit to the students in their working life, assisting them in gaining employment, we will flag this to our schools and upload ideas on how this could be beneficial to the students and industry at large. Please email us (info@thebusinessfairy.com) if your school is interested in partaking of this or if you would like some further information.
The training we received from TBF overcame several problems for me, including issues such as accessing cost effective (or free) software to teach students, industry relevant etc. This will ensure continuity of delivery for my students and a significant saving in cost to the ETB as thanks to TBF’s research, I can access the interface I require without paying for it. We were told how to take advantage of the software without comprising copyright. On this point alone, the inservice training was worth it.
However, that is not all. Aisling Hurley provided some of the most relevant and pertinent information regarding website content and search engine optimisation that will help me train and prepare my students in a way that should make them invaluable to any employer. This type of information can only be accessed from individuals who are working with business, corporate and government bodies and it is that breadth of experience that we find invaluable. As teachers, we can figure out how software works, but it is the application of that knowledge that is greatly enriched by external trainers who have the experience that we cannot acquire internally. It was a pleasure to participate in such a professionally delivered course.
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The Business Fairy Digital Marketing Agency Ltd.,
Co. Laois,
R32 H9F2,
Tel: 057 850 9040
The Business Fairy Digital Marketing Agency Ltd.,
Co. Laois,
R32 H9F2,
+353 (0) 57 8509040

Coffee Stimulation

#digitalmarketing #scientist #business #consultants #training #motiongraphics #webdesign #branding #STEM #SEO #socialmedia #animated #video #videoshorts #coder #dataanalysis #femaleentrepreneur #WebSummit #STEAM #givepeaceachance
Co. Laois,

Coffee Stimulation