Calling Businesses In Wicklow: Online Trading Vouchers Available With Wicklow LEO
Did you know that if you get in contact with your Local Enterprise office you can avail of online trading vouchers? To support small Irish businesses to enhance their online trading presence, Wicklow LEO are providing a training seminar on successfully applying for online trading vouchers. The seminar is compulsory for all those who want to apply for trading vouchers, which can be gained for up to the value of €2,500.
What are trading vouchers?
Available through a new programme under the National Digital Strategy funded through the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and delivered through the Local Enterprise Office, the scheme aims to help small businesses grow their sales, exports and ultimately jobs. The Vouchers can be used for the development or upgrade of an e-commerce website such as implementing online payments or booking systems. Other ways to use the vouchers include purchase of Internet related software, online advertising, development of an app, implementation of a digital marketing strategy, consultation with ICT experts for early stage adopters of online strategy, training/skills development specifically to establish and manage an online trading activity. The voucher can also be used for the creation of testimonial videos or photographs of your products.
In the past people have used their vouchers for services from The Business Fairy Digital Marketing Agency, so we can highly recommend them as a way of helping you to improve your business if you are eligible. The ‘Trading Online Voucher’ scheme, financed by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment aims to encourage small businesses to develop their online presence through a website or digital marketing strategy by availing of a Trading Online Voucher of up to €2,500 or 50% of their eligible expenditure (whichever is the smallest amount). Businesses looking to apply for the Trading Online Voucher must be trading for a minimum of 12 months to qualify, employ less than 10 employees and be located in County Wicklow.
As we know, consumer behavior is changing and online spending is increasing rapidly. There is a big opportunity for Irish businesses to grow and access a wider market, expand their business and create more jobs. Statistics suggest that only 32% of small companies are engaged in e-commerce sales in Ireland and that 70% of the €850,000 spent online by Irish consumers per hour is going overseas.
The seminar will help participants to understand and determine the best approach to establish and increase their online presence and trade online.
The next deadline for receipt of applications of business who have attended the Trading Online Seminar: is Thursday 13th June 2019 at 3pm. Although this scheme will run throughout 2019 and further deadlines will be announced, if you want to apply to this round of vouchers, you will need to attend Thursday’s seminar.
For more information, visit their website or Facebook page to find out more.