It’s something we’ve all experienced on occasion. Some of us more than others. It can be the be all and end all, and can bring us to the end of our rope. No matter what your job title, no matter your salary, it has happened to everyone. No one is safe from creative block.
If you’re suffering from a horrid dose of creative block, don’t worry. I am here to help. I’m afraid I can’t tailor a remedy to each of your individual needs, but from experience, this is what I’ve found to be of great help when the old noggin’ is refusing to co-operate.
When you’ve hit a dead end, concentrating on that very fact will only amplify your issues. Here are some top tips on beating that dreaded block…..
– Get up and get out. If you’re dealing heavily with a desk dilemma (either laptop or computer syndrome), your first step is to step away from the desk. Nothing clears your head like a solid 20 minutes of walking, not to mention a bit of fresh air will do you a world of good.
– Snuggle something furry. That special pet in your life is one of the top stress relievers we have in our ammunition. Whether it’s Spot or Whiskers, channel some special time their way and you’d be amazed at how they will remind you of the simpler things in life and will help put things into perspective.
– Recharge. There’s no shame in taking a leaf out of your pets book; take a bath, a power nap, or treat yourself to a snack. Mini recharges like this will work wonders especially if you are on a tight schedule and working around the clock. Mind you, this solution may not be ideal for you if you work in a large office. Please do not nap or bathe at your desk my lovelies.
– Back to basics. When we hit a creative road block, we tend to be very tough on ourselves and it’s hard to stay positive. Get in touch with what first got you interested in your field – whether it was a book, magazine, movie, TV show, website, friend or business connection, get in touch with your initial interest and stay positive.
– Centre yourself. There’s a lot to be said for yoga. Channel some positive energy your way through a couple well-planned poses. You don’t have to be an expert, all you need is a bit of space and ten minutes to realign your mind. Don’t have a yoga master? There are so many options out there for sun salutations online. Also, there’s nothing better to get your endorphins going than a bit of light exercise.
– Talk it out. Take your mind off things by calling someone close to you. This may be a relative or a good friend. Nothing can take the weight off your mind than a good solid chat. You can choose to get out and meet someone for a change of scene, or if you can’t get out, a simple phone call. It’s true what they say; a problem shared is a problem halved.
So all of you out there, what do you find to be the best solution to banishing your creative block? What tips do you have for anyone out there suffering from the same?