by Aisling Hurley | Sep 27, 2012 | #femaleentrepreneurs, Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Business Tips, Craft/Artists, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Uncategorized
Whilst all you cool creative types out there might be running for the smelling salts to help catch the intake of breath as you read the title, we really have lived this argument and, trust us, it’s true. We are constantly addressing this issue with our holistic...
by Aisling Hurley | Sep 14, 2012 | #femaleentrepreneurs, Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Branding, Business Tips, Craft/Artists, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, SEO, Social Media, Uncategorized
In all the advertising noise it can be difficult to make your business idea be heard above the din. You can go the old fashioned route and pay for advertising but make sure you have deep pockets and plenty of time on your hands to assess the return on investment....
by Aisling Hurley | Jun 11, 2012 | #femaleentrepreneurs, Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Branding, Business Tips, Craft/Artists, Events, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, SEO, Social Media, Uncategorized
Exciting times readers. We thought you might be interested in some news straight off the presses. The inaugural Irish Blog Awards 2012 has just opened for nominations. This is a fantastic opportunity for the bloggers and the online community to get together and...