pinterest logoPinterest is a vital tool in your social media marketing arsenal. Every day millions of people browse the site, looking for unusual tips, products and services. Posting unusual, creative and inspirational items will get your business noticed.  With 31% of internet users using the platform, can you afford to ignore it? Pew Research reports that 44% of those users are women with 16% being men. A further 31% of Pinterest users are college educated with 30% of all users earning over $75,000. Several reasons to get your Pinterest mojo together!


How does Pinterest Work?

Imagine your kitchen at home, with a notice board hanging on the wall. You carefully pin all those precious notes and things you want to remember to the notice board. You do this to help you remember those things. Pinterest is this but on steroids. The notice boards are on the internet for all to see. Your pins (important pieces of information) are pinned to each board. You can add a description and even a link back to your website, creating precious link juice.

Pinterest for Business

How can I make it work for my business?

Post content that is of interest to your viewers/customers. Set up boards that are titled with interesting titles so it’s easy to see what’s on each board. For example our boards are broken out into things our clients love, like tips on blogging or tips on SEO or just inspirational and motivational items. When the user clicks on that board, all the pinned pieces of information load on the screen. This gives them the opportunity to re-pin what we have just shared, sending our brand around the world.

The Small Business Fairy Pinterest Board

Where do I start with my Pinterest Strategy?

A great strategy starts with your website. Your website is your owned space, it’s the only place on the internet that you completely control. (We can help you with that too!) It’s essential that you create great content that people will want to share, and that you can pin to your Pinterest boards. If you have good quality content, people will be drawn to it and want to share it for you (thereby doing your marketing!). To make it easy for people to share from your website, make sure you have the pin it button installed. This allows the user to just click the pin it button, choose the picture they want to share to their boards, comment on it and pin it.

Search Engine Optimisation Tips for business

Pinterest Demographics

Pew Research reports that 44% of Pinterest users are women with 16% being men. A further 31% of Pinterest users are college educated with 30% of all users earning over $75,000. This table from Pew Research shows the demographics for 2015.

pinterest demographics 2015