In all the advertising noise it can be difficult to make your business idea be heard above the din. You can go the old fashioned route and pay for advertising but make sure you have deep pockets and plenty of time on your hands to assess the return on investment. During the old Celtic Tiger era it was easy to have your business omnipresent as there was always plenty of money rolling in to cover the cost of the effort. Now, as we all know, the days of “whatever it costs, just do it” are like our Prada heels (well and truly behind us). A big positive to arise out of these recessionary times (from now on known as “that which shall not be named”) is that we have to be far more creative with our approach to public relations.
Editors and Journalists love stories, particularly if you hand it to them on a plate. You can write and submit an article (known as a PR release) to any newspaper anywhere. We suggest you start with your local newspaper first to test the waters. Cultivate relationships with people at the newspaper offices. Now we obviously don’t mean stalking the entrance (however tempting that may be). If y0u are a Hot Tottie and get asked to a few events you will easily be able to mingle as there is always a journalist somewhere in the mix. Dont be afraid to ask someone to introduce you, it’s always easier to chat after an introduction.
Make sure you have a story to tell. You have to find an interesting slant, particularly if you are selling goods or services which are available in lots of places. What is different about you or your latest product that readers would find interesting? At the moment advertising is dying on its feet so it’s a super time to negotiate with radio stations or print media if you give away a decent product or prize for a competition for example. Be steely in your negotiations as the objective of this game is to gain as much exposure as possible so you want to be sure they will be calling your name for a few days at least. If you are an AIB client you can apply in your branch, or online, to be a candidate for their current advertising scheme whereby they are advertising their small businesses (who are actually advertising AIB in the same advertisement).
Make yourself known to your local radio station and tell them you are available to speak on your area of expertise if they ever need an expert to get a sound bite from. Be super cautious here as you can ruin your reputation as quickly as you can build it by not knowing your market inside out, prepare, prepare, prepare.
When you do make it into print media or radio, remember beforehand to list 3 main points you want to get across in the conversation. All anyone listening will remember are a couple of points so it’s pointless trying to force feed them lots of information. Decide on three then work the conversations around those three points. This is why politicians seem to be talking around in circles, they have been trained to this method and they will ruthlessly stick to the three points they want to get across. If you don’t do preparation of this kind in advance, you will get swamped by the presenter/journalist, and have to dance to their beat (like dancing on very painful bunions!). They will gain control of the interview and this is how those horrendous Brian Cowen moments arise.
Finally, it’s a two way street and they will tear you down as quickly as they build you up. Never ever overplay it, tell porkies (big slap on the wrist) or pretend to be something you are not.
If you stick to the truth you will become known as someone who is reliable, entertaining and wanted.