We can’t help but notice that some businesses are feeling a bit despondent at the moment. There is no doubt that the Recession/Depression has caused a lot of pain, worry and stress. However there are lots of supportive communities out there to help you get through the bad times. But before anyone can help, you need to believe in yourself. In our experience, what makes an entrepreneur stand out is their passion, belief and sheer dedication to what they are doing. As Steve Jobs said “Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.” The difference between entrepreneurs and “normal” people is that we stay going where others give up.
Many scientific studies have been undertaken to investigate the power of positive thinking. People who are positive are naturally more productive at work and happier in themselves. They don’t see the negative in the same way the negative people stuck in dogma don’t see the positive. A very interesting study was recently undertaken by the famous illusionist Derren Brown in “The Magic of Todmorden” during which a reporter was sent ahead to investigate the story of the famous “lucky dog” in the park. Lots of good luck stories had been floating around so said the reporter and she was there to investigate it. Suddenly people started feeling luckier, reported incidents of good luck amongst them. News spread far and wide about the famous “lucky dog of Todmorden”. Apart from one man called Joe.
Joe who, although he had his own butchering business, referred to himself as just “not lucky”. His belief in this was so strong that Brown resorted to many staged incidents of luck especially for Joe, including leaving a 50 pound note straight in front of his shop. What happened? Joe walked straight past it. He just didn’t see it because his brain was programmed not to see opportunity as he was “not lucky”. When he was shown the video playback of all the incidents of luck he had missed, he could not believe it. He realised he had got caught up in negative thought patterns and so even though luck was knocking on his door he still missed it. An entrepreneurs brain automatically sees the opportunity and is prepared to meet it thereby creating their own luck.
We are really what we think we are so be careful to think creatively and positively. To get you in the mood, enjoy our favourite creative tought booster by The Jacksons Can you feel it