saving money on GoogleAdwordsWith consumer perception, it’s hard enough to get a click through on Google Adwords so you need to really watch what you are doing to avoid over-spending. Here are our top 5 tips for saving money on Google Adwords that our clients have found very beneficial.

Tip 1

Separate the Search and Display results at Campaign level. Each network behaves differently so their quality scores are displayed differently. Not separating search and display networks is the number 1 place where you can waste money.

Tip 2

Use the mobile bid modifiers. By default the mobile devices inherit the bide you set for the ad group so you need to change this after you add the new ad group. However, if your website is not mobile enabled, doesn’t look great on mobile or does not convert well from mobile, turn this option off.

mobile bid modifier google adwords




Tip 3

Send visitors to a relevant landing page. If you are selling dog collars, you want your visitors to drop in to either a dog collar category or a dog collar product page. If you do not direct visitors to a page to convert they will bounce off and go back to the search results.

relevant landing page






Tip 4

Focus your money because you cannot buy all the keywords you need. Cut out keywords that don’t work and focus the full budget on selected ones that do work.

Tip 5

Enable conversion tracking. You want to track which keywords are not working. Even if you cannot value the amount of a sale, you still need to collect this information. This is referred to as an Attribution Method.

By focusing on this combination, you should start to see your spend decrease with a better return on your investment.