Your company’s success depends on your employees’ performance.
Management fads come and go, but some things just don’t change. The fundamental values of good leadership and management determine just how effective you really are as a boss. Great bosses consistently inspire employees to perform well and remain loyal. Needless to say, those qualities play a major role in the long-term success of your business.
We at The Business Fairy are called on by many businesses up and down the country to come in and talk to their staff to see how the management can improve relationships and productivity. It can be hard for the employees to tell the management or boss how they feel about certain things or tell them their ideas on how something could be done better. We help by letting the staff talk freely to us about how relationships with management and stafff are and how they business is run, good or bad and this then helps the management to address any issues and move forward in creating a happy workplace and also building a successful business.
Here are some tips for you as a business owner or manager. Through our time in many companies we have learned to help create a successful business environment for management and staff. If you would like our team to come to your business drop us an email and we will call you to discuss how we can help. – info@thebusinessfairy.ie
When things are going well in your business, let people know–early and often. Publicly recognise productive employees for their contributions. Make a big deal about it. Encourage outstanding, sustained performance by showing your employees how much their efforts are appreciated. Studies show that acknowledging the great things your employees do can be more motivational than bonuses.
Set high standards for communication, productivity, and professionalism throughout your business. During periods when these standards are not met, avoid assigning blame and singling out poor performance, as these responses only call attention to the problems. Find ways to get back on track as an business. Don’t lower your standards, instead, partner with your employees and take on challenges as a team. Enlist your employees’ input to identify blocking issues, focus attention on possible solutions, and strive to meet and exceed expectations.
Communicate clearly, professionally, and often. Employees expect their manager’s honest assessment of their performance. In order to credibly provide this feedback, excellent managers must thoroughly understand their business and accurately assess progress. When things are running smoothly, highlight what is working and communicate success throughout the business. When problems arise, consider the potential impact you can have by constructively communicating your concerns. Remember that communication is a tool that can (and should) inspire and motivate as well as identify and resolve problems.
Learn to trust your employees. Bosses who believe employees are capable and responsible encourage autonomy while also creating a strong sense of community through out the business. To establish trust, create a safe, positive working environment with open, honest, two-way communication. Trust that your employees will meet or exceed business goals when working in a productive, safe, and supportive environment.
Set up your employees for success, not failure. Provide them with the tools and training they need to reach their full potential, and to meet and exceed the standards you have set. Encourage them to identify their strengths and what motivates them. When possible, incorporate what drives them into their daily tasks..
Ensure that your employees feel challenged with their jobs, but not overwhelmed. Create a clean, well-maintained, and organised working environment where they can do their work and feel comfortable. Delegate tasks appropriately and look for opportunities to maximize each employee’s strengths.
Make your employees feel like they are a part of something special and that their efforts are truly appreciated. Involve them directly in the success of the business. Create and cultivate a sense of camaraderie, where people feel it is fun to come to work, because it is a positive and productive environment and they feel they are part of an efficient, skilled, and highly successful community.
These practices and behaviors will have a major impact on the effectiveness of your employees. Be the very best boss you can be and your employees will step up. When you get the very best from your people, your business will be tough to beat.