by Aisling Hurley | Jul 18, 2014 | Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Branding, Business Tips, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Social Media, Uncategorized
Social media platforms allow you to interact with your customers quite easily, and yet many businesses fail to do just that. Hop in here and have a little read our Top 5 Business Tips for interacting with your own customers on the various social media platforms. It...
by Aisling Hurley | Jun 30, 2014 | Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Branding, Craft/Artists, Events, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Uncategorized
The Tour de France kicks off in West Yorkshire countryside shortly. Being regular visitors to Yorkshire we were delighted to discover that the savvy farmers there have turned their fields into living works of art. This is a double hit for visitors and the cyclists as...
by Aisling Hurley | Jul 2, 2013 | Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Branding, Craft/Artists, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Uncategorized
Similar to last week’s post on ways of dealing wit creative block, this week I’m writing about another topic that everyone – especially those working in the creative field – experiences. No matter how stony their exterior or fancy their title...
by Aisling Hurley | Jun 25, 2013 | Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Craft/Artists, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Uncategorized
It’s something we’ve all experienced on occasion. Some of us more than others. It can be the be all and end all, and can bring us to the end of our rope. No matter what your job title, no matter your salary, it has happened to everyone. No one is safe from...
by Aisling Hurley | Mar 11, 2013 | #femaleentrepreneurs, Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Business Tips, Craft/Artists, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Uncategorized
In some ways this post follows on nicely from the Prophesy Your Own Success post which focused on the power of Positive Thinking . When examining your business strategy, the thought process is similar. However it does involve a lot of “facing your demons”...
by Aisling Hurley | Jan 17, 2013 | #femaleentrepreneurs, Be Yourself Mistakes and All, Branding, Business Tips, Craft/Artists, Events, News, Rural Enterprise & Farming, Uncategorized
As 9 of our clients are exhibiting at Showcase 2013, now seems like the perfect time to share some of the tips we have given them, with you. These are by no means exhaustive so if you’d like information on other areas, please leave a note and we’d be...